Swipesimple connect

application wizard made for busy businesses

CardFlight needed a way to simplify their application process and grow their direct merchant base. Before “Connect” small business owners were being sold the SwipeSimple product by 3rd-party seller organizations and the application to begin transacting was messy and convoluted. The new solution handles the application in-house with only certain details being provided to underwriters on the backend.

Step no. 1

simplify questionnaire

A lot of effort went purely into plain-text revisions and re-writes. Questions that were too verbose got paired down, sure, but the ultimate goal was to simplify the questions themselves to extract data efficiently.

“Is your physical address different from than your mailing address” became a question of “Physical Address” with the proper data fields, and an optional toggle for users to indicate they have a separate mailing address.

Step no. 2

mini-design system

CardFlight’s product, SwipeSimple, already has an established design. The look and feel of this new application, however, needed a face. It wasn’t intended to mimic the SwipeSimple software and was perhaps to align more closely with the branding of CardFlight and it’s respective marketing.

What came out of this step was a smaller, more contained design system with custom components and rules of application.

Step no. 3

prototyping & responsiveness

After all the questions had been re-written and all the puzzle pieces with assembled, it was crucial that handoff went as seamlessly as possible. Each component was prototyped in Figma to ensure every version of every state was accounted for. Additionally user flows showing potential pain-points were iterated on until the most simple version could exist. After that, every page linked together for full walkthrough with engineers and PMs.

done, but not forgotten

Finishing the SwipeSimple Connect application was an undertaking, not just for me, but for anyone involved. Just because a project is finished on design, or passes QA, does not mean it’s “done”. (Are we every really done in this industry?)

Continuous improvement is the name of the game and iterations post-release have come and gone. User testing using third party software was, and is, done. Calls with users who did not complete the application have been made to sniff out further points of frustration. I think until a thing is put to bed, it can be improved upon.


Tower Control Design System | CardFlight


Customer Manager | Spreetail